5 Minutes of Gaming: A New Podcast Series

I have been running this blog now a little over 3 years and while I consider it largely a forum for my own amusement I have over the last 3 years gotten something of a following.  At least, a few people that read my blog off and on and show some interest in it via E-mail.

Now I have actually never made my E-mail public on the site so I know that people that email me are getting that address from some of the forums I frequent.  Suffice to say I have always had comments off on the site (largely to avoid dealing with spam) but also because for the most part I put information out I’m not terribly interested in feedback.

This year I’m going to change that a bit.  First, I have posted my e-mail address officially on the blog (its gamersdungeon.net@gmail.com by the way, feel free to email me!) and the second thing I’m doing is launching a new segment for the site, a podcast called 5 minutes of gaming.

5 Minutes of Gaming is effectively going to be a mini podcast that I will record daily (or close to it) in my car to and from work.  I will use the time for mini reviews, to answer questions and any other general gaming related musings.  I’m actually not 100% sure about the format to be honest, I’m mostly doing it to see if I enjoy it and if the technology is simple and quick enough to do this sort of thing without too much fuss.

Enjoy the show, the first episode is already up.